Sunday, May 5, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 5, 2019

I'm really enjoying the hand piecing on this Carpenter's Wheel block.   I've gotten all the inner background replaced so far. 
As I've mentioned before, there are two versions of this block.  The traditional one with equal sided diamonds and the 'modern' or 'simplified' version that uses half square triangles.   You can tell them apart at a glance.  If the inner border squares are all the same size, you are looking at the traditional version based on diamonds; if the inner border squares alternate between a larger and smaller square, you have the Modern Carpenter's Wheel  (link to the Quilter's Board discussion and the reference sheet below).
I haven't done much hand piecing lately.  I had forgotten how much fun it is.   This has been my travel project this week.  Next week I'm driving the car pool, so less crafting time, but I'll get to working on the corners at least.

On the needlework front, I did get the first section of bar woven on the Hardanger band, but that's all.  I really need to be rested and alert when doing cutwork.  And this week hasn't provided a lot of time like that.  I've been busy at work again, with most days either in early or staying late.
I'm going to work on the upper right section next, it has some interesting three sided dove's eyes that look rather like pine trees - very cool.

Linking up with the rest of the Slow Sunday Stitching crew


  1. Hand piecing is fun, isn't it. Your block is looking good and as for your hardanger piece, gosh there is a lot of tiny work there. I would imagine you would have to concentrate stitching this piece. I hope you sneak in many moments of stitching during this busy week of yours.

    1. Thanks! I love handwork, but I'm not very fast. This block will probably take a while. It's 24 x 24 inches.

  2. I agree that some stitching is fun and relaxing and some of it requires a lot of concentration and thought.

    1. The cutwork just needs a fresh mind and a steady hand. If you rush, the chance of a mis-cut gets much worse. I just don't want to mess this up.


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