Sunday, May 17, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 17, 2020

Hello SSS crew, late to the party again this week (link to current round up).  I do better when I write the post the night before!  

My work announced that we will be work from home until "at least" July 15.   I wouldn't mind this being permanent to be honest.   I don't miss the commute one little bit!  I'm continuing to use the two hours a day, three days a week = six hours a week that I usually have to spend on the highway to do some long needed de-cluttering projects around the house.   My basement hasn't been this clean in DECADES.   It makes me smile whenever I go downstairs.   Once the new furnace and AC are installed, and the last nooks and crannies are empty (or sorted - looking at you, storage room), I will work on getting the upstairs bedroom converted into a small sewing room or maybe a library.   I have given the boys notice that anything they left when they moved out is fair game.   Come and get it or it will be tossed.   They are in their 30s!  It's WAY past time I got the benefits of an empty nest LOL.  Now I just need to get them to come by and dismantle the bunk beds.

And yesterday, I picked up this bounty: two sweet peppers, four tomatoes and six marigolds.  All for my container garden.   I can't wait to get them all set up and see how they do.

Crafting is also happening, of course.  Needlework continues to be the main thing as I am participating in the Facebook online needlework group "Mayina".  Lots of the people there are doing new starts, but I'm focusing on three projects.
The current rotation is at seven hours on Dutch Beauty:   Page 15/O is on the last set of motifs, so I'll probably keep working on it until I get the page finished.
The Sampler Sweetbag is closing in on getting all the stitching done!  Just four more detached buttonhole petals on the flower.  
And JC's USMC seal is at the page finish on page 4!  A quarter of the way around!!

Rosemarkie Waistcoat knitting is going well - picked up the stitches for the front button bands and the neckline.  And I'm on row 4 of 10 on the ribbing.   Two more rows before I have to deal with buttonholes (NOT my favorite part).

Quilting mojo is entirely MIA still (sigh).   Maybe once I have a dedicated sewing space it will come back.


  1. that is nice that you will continue to be able to work from home! yes boys come and get your stuff so mom can have more space - I made my girls do that a long time ago - they are in the 40's now so I have had my space for some time-- love all the projects you share

    1. Thanks. Your lovely quilting space is an inspiration. My space won't be that big. It amazes me that the boys didn't kill each other having to share such a tiny room, but they mostly just used it for sleeping (and storage). I am hoping I can figure out storage and a better design wall.

  2. I am hoping to make my daughter's old room into my sewing room this summer also. She has pretty much cleared her stuff out. I have already dismantled her single bed and swapped it out for a day bed with a trundle as both my children live out of state so I need this room to serve as a guest room also....whenever they will be able to visit again. I love all of your projects, especially that pretty knitting. I am done with most of my work at home until September so I should have plenty of time for straightening and switching out this room. I hope your new space will get your quilt mojo back. It will come.

    1. I hope so. I left THREE quilts midway done - one just needing all the finished blocks assembled.

  3. How exciting you will soon have a designated sewing space. Love all your embroideries especially Sampler Sweetbag. It must be wonderful that your basement is all sorted.

    1. Having to clear out so the HVAC guys can do their thing is a real motivation! Central Air! Can't wait.


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