Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thoughts on Widowhood

 Sorry about being "Miss Least in Sight" the last few weeks.   I've been feeling off - not so much ill as just down hearted - as is pretty usual this time of year, to be honest.  My husband died in August, and even though it's been 16 years now, it still hits me sometimes.   And I've been going through boxes that he brought over to the house from his parents in the months just before he died which contain all his childhood memorabilia.   So yeah, tears are a thing right now.   

I've discovered that when they say "time heals all wounds" it just means "you scar and learn not to poke that place"  and "you learn to live around the edges of the gaping hole in your life/heart/soul".   Don't get me wrong, I have healed.  I love my life, it's full and interesting and good.   But I still miss Walt.  

1 comment:

  1. Hugs. I really hate trite sayings like 'time heals all woulds.' What you say is so true about navigating the scars.


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