Sunday, August 28, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching - August 28,2022

 End of August already!!!  How the heck did that happen.   This month has FLOWN by. 

Fair bit of crafting this week. 

Knitting is ready to start the lace part!   Thanks to several mandatory online meetings over the past week, that's two and a bit of the four balls of yarn knitted up in mindless (other than the increases on each end) garter stitch.   Garter stitch done flat is perfect meeting knitting, just knit, flip, knit, flip, knit.   The only thing better is the body of a plain stocking stitch pullover sweater knit in the round - knit, knit, knit.......

color a bit duller than IRL

Dutch Beauty is at ten hours.   But I'm going to finish filling in that last swan baby that is hiding behind mama before I put it away.  Just mama swan left to do - and her tail is even underway over on the lower right.  She's huge, though.

I'll get back to the last cygnet after I check out the SSS crew (link to this week's roundup).

ETA:  Changeover post with the baby filled in.


  1. Wow! Lots of great progress this week. I can't wait to see what you accomplish next week. That mama swan is going to be fun to stitch. Have a great weekend. ~~Kathy S.

  2. I made hats for everyone in the family for Christmas last year…a simple pattern, just some ribbing and then knit, knit, knit. You accomplished a lot during your meetings! Dutch Beauty is so close to being done. I have enjoyed watching it progress. Gail at the cozy quilter

    1. Yep, hats and the legs/feet of plain socks are VERY good meeting knitting - plus those are portable, so you don't even have to be working from home!

  3. Lovely projects, I had to stop doing cross stitch as I just cannot see the charts or the Aida well enough anymore.

    1. My answer to bad eyes (I have worn glasses since elementary school) is a lighted magnifier. I use it for everything smaller than 28 count over 2/14 count Aida. And even on larger counts, I will use it at night. Couldn't stitch without it! I have a Craftlite - Dublin model where the LED lights are in a circle around the lens. It has two bases (table and floor) and a clamp that is attached to my floor stand.

  4. Lovely projects, I love the Dutch Beauty! Hope you have a great week!

  5. Your Dutch Beauty is beautiful, it's a lovely piece indeed. What are you secretly knitting during your on line meetings, a shawl perhaps?

    1. Yes, it's a crescent shaped shawl for my sister - her favorite color is that bright olive green, this picture is much duller than the yarn is really.

  6. Those cynets look cute. I am looking forward to seeing mama swan sometime in the future. Your knitting looks very soothing.


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