Sunday, June 30, 2024

Full Coverage - June 2024 Month End Report AND Slow Sunday Stitching June 30

 Well, the usual summer slump in creativity has hit 😒.   I was hopeful that being retired would sidetrack that this year, but a combination of household and church responsibilities meant that I've done very little crafting the last two weeks.  Also, there were several meetings about moving my retirement savings accounts out of my employer sponsored plan.  Decisions, decisions......

The one thing I have kept up with is the full coverage project.   The Mead Dragon is at 21.20% with 20,035 of 94,500 stitches completed. 

For comparison, here's where I was at the beginning of the month.
I'm starting to get some color in on the wings and have most of the dragon's head done - so much confetti in this piece, it's crazy!  The background is coming along, too.  I'm doing it 'typewriter method', so at this point I have everything above row 55 fully complete and scattering of colors below that down to row 120 or so.   I am working toward having down to row 100 complete before I move the fabric up.

I'm still putting one length of 'dragon color' in, then the rest of the time focusing on background.  My goal on this is pretty modest, just 2,500 per month, which is a bit less than 100 stitches per day.  Did 2,892 so far this month, so met that goal.   (I'll drop the final count in here when I call it a day tonight.  ETA: 3,076)

On the other hand, tomorrow is the first, so the Birdhouses will be coming out and this project will hibernate for a bit while I work on the July section of the SAL.  Hopefully a new project will kick start the stitching mojo! Linking up with the SSS crew so they know I didn't fall off the planet.......

1 comment:

  1. This is a huge cross stitch project. At least you have a plan of how to accomplish this monumental task! Looks good so far! Gail at the cozy quilter


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