Sunday, June 9, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - June 9, 2024

This is going to be a VERY quick check in; I am reading the lessons today at church and need to check in early so they know I'm there.    (Also need to make sure the ribbons marking the readings are in the right places in the Bible - I've had that not happen in the past and it's disrupting and embarrassing.)

It's been a good week - feels like I am on a 'stay-cation'.  I've worked a lot in the garden, my tomatoes and sweet peppers are all blooming like crazy, the summer squash are just exploding into masses of leaves and I'm about to harvest my second crop of lettuce (hopefully I'll get a decent batch over the next six to eight weeks before they bolt in the summer heat).  I'm still holding out hope for the cucumbers this year, five of the six plants have made it to the 'beginning to climb the trellis' stage.  So they are already doing better than last year.

And of course there's been crafting. 

I finished up the June section of the Birdhouses SAL on Friday - it's so stinking CUTE.   I love the bee skep birdhouse.   And the watering can was fun to finish.

On the knitting front, the hat is up to five inches (including the ribbing).   I think it needs to be about 6 inches before I start the colorwork so that I can also test the shaping.    It will end up being a stocking hat of sorts if my numbers are correct.  

I'm also working on clearing out my closet and donating old work wear that I don't need any more.  I already have two boxes to take for donation and I'm just getting started on the decluttering!   Trying to get in the habit of getting unwanted stuff out of the house.   Not leaving this stuff for my son and daughter in law to cope with!

Linking up with the SSS crew.


  1. It looks like retirement is agreeing with you! It’s great to have more time for cross stitch, knitting, gardening and the ever present need to clean out the stuff you don’t need anymore. This is an ongoing project at our house too. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. I enjoy seeing your progress on the birdhouse project! It's such a fun design. Hope you had a successful reading experience at church!

  3. Gorgeous stitching on your birdhouse project!


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