Sunday, October 20, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - October 20, 2024

I'm still going strong with the knitting.   I'm really enjoying the Musselburgh Hat.   It's about halfway down the straight section and is the perfect TV/reading/watching flosstube project.  The color in this photo is a little dark, but closer than the earlier ones taken on a dark background.

I got to the end of the rotation time on the Vintage Crewel Eagle this week (see the changeover post for feather closeups).  The eagle is done and "just" the foliage left to stitch.  I say "JUST", because there are six greens to go - using long stitch, and pueblo stitch galore plus bullion knots.

With the eagle at a good stopping spot, I turned my attention to the Mead Dragon.   My monthly goal on this project is 2500 stitches and I usually work on it in the background and only show it at the end of the month.   It's front and center right now, and I reached a big goal on it, so here's a mid-month photo.
Back when I started this at the end of January, I set myself a goal of finishing 30,000 stitches on full coverage for this year.   Mead Dragon is now at 31,000 per the Pattern Keeper app, and 31.85%.   New goal is to get to the 1/3 mark.  That confetti background is such a pain, but so effective.  It's hard to see, but the front wing is worked down to where the background is.  (Blogger should let you click for a larger format.)

Well, I'm off to church and then Home Depot, so I'll catch up with the SSS crew later today. (Link to current round up). 


  1. The eagle and dragon are looking wonderful. You have been doing a whole lot of stitching!

  2. Wow! That confetti background is fabulous - so much work!

  3. Mead Dragon is very impressive! Wow!


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