It was a pretty good crafting week. The weather is heading towards spring, though very windy. I'm sure you've seen the pictures on the news of the dust storm out in western Kansas that caused a huge highway tragedy and still has Interstate 70 closed. The vehicle count is up to 71 and the loss of life is also rising. Please keep those affected and the first responders working out there in very difficult conditions in your prayers.
But here in eastern Kansas, it's just very windy. My charity knitting group hasn't met for several months due to all the snow and ice we've had since Christmas. Most of our members are older, and are no happier about driving in bad weather than I am. But we are up and running again. I have cast on another LOSY hat. This one is rather 'goth' looking LOL. Hopefully someone will like it.
Stitching has seen a FINISHED OBJECT! I am not quite calling this Mill Hill kit done. It is the "Timberline: Norway Spruce Santa". You should see the FFO post very soon! I just have to cut it out and put the backing paper on. I really enjoyed this one; that little bird looked very odd while it was in progress but once the beads went in, it was perfect. The beaded ropes were fun to do, too. I even have the twisted cord for the hanger done (up in the right-hand top corner).I also made good progress (8 hours of the 10-hour slot) on the Blackbird Designs piece "Blessings and Kind Wishes". I'm not crazy about my fabric choice for this one. I should have gone just a bit darker on the linen color. It is so hard to pick fabrics online! I think the stork motifs would have shown up better on a slightly darker color. But this far in, I'm not going to restart it! Maybe I should do an outline stitch in the darker grey (or its DMC equivalent)? I'll decide when I get closer to the end.
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