Tuesday, January 30, 2018

FINISHED NEEDLEWORK: Plum Street Sampler "Merry Friends" Box

This is the second finish on the three projects from Silver Needle Camp last November.

This is a 'Faux Package' finish (the box does not open).   The stitching is an extract from Plum Street Samplers "Merry Friends" from their "Jack's Sweet Shop" line.   It was originally stitched over one to fit in a mini pie tin.   This version takes the bottom half of the design - the 'Skating Santa' - and enlarges it to over two on 18  count linen.

I think my favorite part of this project is actually the jingle bell "feet" on the bottom.  I borrowed my daughter in law's glue gun just to do these feet LOL.

Finished size is 5.5 x 7 inches

Started November 17, 2017.   Finished January 29, 2018


  1. kind of looks like the Scandinavian design Santa's - cute

  2. That long, skinny hat! And the bell shape. I really like this designer - folksy and yet not TOO cute.

    It was a fun stitch and I'm really happy to learn some new finishing techniques for the seasonal items that really aren't so 'wall worthy'


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