Sunday, May 6, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 6, 2018

No finishes this week, but a fair bit of progress for it being a busy work week.  

First up, I got the EPP part of the panel for "It was the 80's" quilt done.   I still need to pull out the papers and get it appliqued down to background fabric so it can be inserted into the final top.   I think plain muslin or an off-white solid for the background.

The back - still have to remove all the papers before applique

And one of my pair of socks has a finished toe!   On to the second sock's toe.  

And last, but certainly not least, about an hour in on Dutch Beauty.   I got all of the buds on the vine along the right hand side completed, which is a page finish on Page N/14.   Probably the quickest page finish ever, though since they are only four or eight stitches each, there was a LOT of starting and ending threads in that section.    As I noted last week, the 'columbine vase' was done by one of my trade partners when this piece was out on a 'UFO Round Robin' a while back.

Also did the little motif in the upper right corner of page M/13.  And now I'm on to the right hand tulip, starting with the forcing vase.   It's so strange that I have seen bulb forcing vases in almost exactly that same shape in the garden shops recently.   Classic design!    Just barely started on that, so I'll show it next week when it's more than a 'blob'.
Please swing by Kathy's blog and see what the other Slow Sunday Stitchers are up to.


  1. Great progress on all fronts. Pretty colours in the socks and the cross stitch picture looks great! You have a choice of projects to work on today!

    1. I'm loving the accountability that being a part of SSS is giving me. I'm being pretty consistent in working on all three of these projects, which is fantastic.

  2. I like your stitching. That cross-stitch is so pretty. I hope you finish that second toe soon. That yarn is pretty. I am looking forward to seeing those hexies on their background.

    1. Thanks for stopping by - the socks have been hanging around for a LONG time - since last October. They keep getting interrupted by other knitting LOL. But once I buckle down to it, toes go pretty quickly. So I'm hopeful for a finish on them soon.

  3. I love your EPP project, the colours are very pretty. Nice cross stitch too. As it's a round robin do you have to hand it on or is it for keeps? Don't think I could give it up!

    1. It's mine. It just went out on a UFO Round Robin a while back - we all worked on each other's UFOs to try to get us all 'over the hump' on a stalled project. That was actually a lot of fun. I worked on a modern sampler, the L&L "Earth Dancer", a teddy bear sampler, and one I can't remember. It was a nice mix of projects and six months later, I got mine back with a chunk done on it.

  4. You are very multi-talented!
    I love the EPP, knitting and the beautiful Dutch Beauty project! :)

    1. thank you. I've always been pulled in several directions for crafting, so I usually have at least one knitting project, some type of hand work (like EPP or applique) and something in counted thread or other embroidery styles going all the time. Moving between projects keeps me from getting bored.

  5. Lots of needle and thread time in your crafting hours. Wonderful work.


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