Sunday, July 1, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - July 1, 2018

JULY!!!!  How did it get to be July already????   The summer is just bolting past.   It's not "lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer" around here.   More like "frantic, panic, manic days".   This month at work is especially fraught.   Each July I have several annual reports due.   Because my business is winter peak, some of our reporting is summer to summer to avoid that busy season.   But for an accountant, that makes this my 'year end close' month.  UGH.     So month close, quarter close, annual stuff...... Yeah, busy.

But I'm trying to at least touch everything.

I am on Round 15 of the lace shawl border.   The next main motif will start in Round 16.  
Round 15 of Inner Border charts

You can really start to see the diamond motifs develop now.  I'm still managing one side a day most days.   That's less than two rounds a week, but it's at least progressing, which is more than it has been.  I've also got a simple hat on the needle for when I need mindless knitting.

another LOSY hat for charity
On the needlework front, the "Fire" band sampler is coming along nicely.  Just finished up Band 6 of 16.   Band 4 was a Honeycomb Pulled stitch with beading.  Band 5 was Rhodes Hearts, Diamond Eyelets and beads.  Band 6 was Scotch stitch checkerboard.   And I'm working on a solid row of beads placed to anchor a section of drawn thread work.   I expect that band will take me most of the week in 15 minute bites, since there's so much prep work for it. 

Last, but also today's project, I'm taking a foray into foundation paper piecing.  I signed up for a 'mug rug' swap.   If you haven't caught the 'mug rug' craze, they are mini quilts somewhere between 5 x 7 to 8 x 10 inches meant to be used as oversized coasters.  Each person did a small survey of favorite colors, styles or themes, etc.   My partner likes 'animals, modern, batiks, blues and greens'.   So she's getting this:

Technically this isn't 'slow stitching' because it will be done on the machine, but it's my first animal in foundation paper piecing and by far the most complex foundation work I've ever done.   Trust me, it will be going SLOW.  LOL.

Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitching crew over at Kathy's.  Wander by and see what everyone is doing this week.


  1. Good luck with your paper piecing project. You have to keep your wits about you as you work on it!

  2. Your projects are very pretty. I really like that lacy shawl and the stitchery work.


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