Monday, August 13, 2018

Mending Monday: hems for brown slacks

I did a LOT of laundry this weekend.   And discovered when hanging up my favorite pair of dress slacks for work, that I've managed to rip out BOTH hems.

I don't set up a machine to do such a small repair.   I actually enjoy hemming.   You can see where I started on the right hem underneath before I thought to take a photo. 

I'm using just a standard dressmaker's stitch but the bight going into the turned up hem is quite deep - about a quarter inch.   That's because the raw edge on these was originally over cast (overlocked), then hemmed up.   As you can see on the left side one, the overlock stitch is totally missing in a lot of places.  Either it was not well done originally, or pulled out with the hem.   That's a real issue with chain stitch machines - get ahold of just the right place and the entire thing unzips itself.    Good for a feedbag or the top of a sugar package.  Not so good with hems.

So the new stitches have to do double duty to secure that edge from unraveling and hold the hem.
And all fixed and ready to wear tomorrow.

Yes, that's the back side of "Millennium" in the 'done' picture.  My needlework chair has the best light in the house.  So I tend to settle there to do all types of hand work.

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