Sunday, August 26, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - August 26, 2018

Another good week for crafting.   I really buckled down on the Millennium piece this week and put in four hours instead of the usual two.   So that brings me to eight hours on this rotation.
All of the upper robe is done, as is the torch pole.   One more color on the hilt of the sword and two more shadow colors on the under-tunic to go.  There are still the lower wings to do on both angels, and some masonry 'behind' them that defines the outer edges of the piece.   I think, though, that I'll hop over and work on St. Raphael's robes for the remainder of this rotation.  It's only going to be an hour or so, and I did leave them looking very sparse.

On the lace shawl, I am now on Row 31.  You know what that means - Chart 2!!!  That meets my initial goal for the summer.   I had talked about continuing on with this project, but I've had another test knit request.  So I'm going to be putting this lace back into hibernation while I do that project.

And applique on the Honeybee block is DONE.  I had thought that would be the end of the handwork on "It was the 80s" until I got to the binding, but looking ahead, there is going to be large (24 inch square) Carpenter's Wheel substituted in for a similar block.   I really dislike machine piecing "Y" seams, so I'm going to hand piece that monster!  The center star is already hand pieced (from the old quilt).  But I'll need to cut and mark all of the outer 'ring' of diamonds and squares.

Linking up with Kathy for the weekly round up. 


  1. Your stitches are filling in the robe nicely. Always good to be able to see progress each week.

    1. It's very motivating to take weekly photos. Especially with projects like this one that are long term, it's easy to look at how much you have yet to do and get discouraged! Having a record of how much progress you actually made is great! Slow Sunday Stitching really keeps me motivated.

  2. Your cross stitch project is coming right along. It's fun to see progress from week to week.

    1. I agree! I'm almost at my ten hours on this one and am sort of sad to see it tucked away until next time, but also excited to get to work on Dutch Beauty


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