Sunday, September 30, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - Sept 30, 2018

Late posting and minimal progress this week (and probably next as well).  

The only crafting worth talking about is that I hit 10 hours on Dutch Beauty. 

Quite a bit more work on this page still to do - another large rose and several buds - plus the sunflower and carnation flowers to match the other side.  

I'm in a bit of a funk.  I'd hoped to get the entire center row of this project done this year, but I since I have nearly two more pages left to go, that's not going to happen.

Socks are being worked on - some times.   And I hope to get the bind off on the hopelessly over deadline cowl done during the commute tomorrow since I'm riding.  

Linking up at Kathy's weekly round up.


  1. Your Dutch Beauty is lovely. 'Tis a beautiful design and I love the shades of the threads.

    1. It really has a very limited, but effective palette. I do wonder how bright it was when it was new. Even faded, the chrome yellow and cochineal pink and indigo blues are very intense.


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