Sunday, October 7, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - October 7, 2018

Home from needlework camp.   

Four projects, much fun and a finish!!

I got the 'Tree of Life" family tree sampler completed on the 'bring your own stitching' day.   I knew if I just buckled down to it, I could get it done.   I don't know if I am going to fill in the blank at the top with more leaves and cherries - they MIGHT have another child....... 

I didn't get any knitting time in on the socks - I still need to pick up the second gusset.  I may have a chance to do that after Bible Study tomorrow.

Right now, though, I am exhausted.   I will do some posts with the new needlework projects later this week.   Most (but not quite all) of the actual stitching is done,  but there will be lots of finished finishing coming up as NONE of that is completed.
Linking up (very late!!!) to Kathy's Blog for SSS.   There wasn't a lot of Sunday Stitching today, but there was a LOT of diving.  I'm so glad to be home.  


  1. I did a double take when I looked at the surname on your cross stitch. Thought we might be related. But closer inspection showed you stitch Denton, while my name is Benton. It ceryainly gave me a chuckle. It's a beautiful Tree of Life.

    1. It's a pretty common surname here in the Midwest US. There's even a town "Denton TX" where my late husband's family settled. My father in law was in the military and when he retired, they settled down here in Kansas.

      Thanks for the kind words on my family tree. We can be 'make believe cousins' LOL.

  2. Your Tree of Life is pretty as a picture. Such a lot of lovely stitching has gone into this pretty.

  3. That is a really gorgeous Tree of Life, never seen one like it.

  4. A lovely family stitchery! I guess you could fill in the tree with some light green leaves and pull out those stitches if a new baby joins the family in the future!

    1. I think that is what I will do. It would really only take a couple. And I will put some of the extra brown threads in an envelope under the backing paper. Just in case.


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