Sunday, February 3, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - February 3, 2019

I've got a couple of things to report this week.  

My needlework rotation hit a changeover point.   I put in a solid ten plus hours on Dutch Beauty.   Just one page to go for the center row!

If you want to see the whole thing all laid out check out the changeover post.    Millennium is back on deck for February, with a plan to work on the edges where the center landscape touches the angels on both sides so as to set up for backstitching to come.  

And I finished another one of the applique blocks for Aunt Lottie's Garden - number 16.  This is another one of the vintage blocks.  I love the dainty floral.   I think this was scraps from a curtain or valance of some kind in my Great Aunt's house.  I have a vague memory of a purple flowered flouncy drape in her bedroom, but in those days, little people stayed out of adult bedrooms, so I'm not really sure.   
I'm going to be super busy at work this week, but hopefully I can get some progress somewhere.   It's not going to be a good day for Slow Stitching today as I have to run into the office and play catch up after a bunch of unexpected meetings and such at the end of the week last week.    Otherwise I'll be drowning tomorrow.    But hopefully the rest of the SSS crew have a better time of it  (link to this week's roundup.)

ETA:  Finished the pink blanket, but still need to deliver it.


  1. I checked back to yesterday’s post. Dutch Beauty is huge! You are on the home stretch now!

    1. Well, over the halfway point at least LOL. Still the entire third row to do. I think after I get page 11 done, I'll put the green part of the border buds all the way around the bottom third so I can see the actual extent of what's left to fill. I will say that reporting every week is giving me a ton of motivation!

  2. Replies
    1. Stitch count is 630 x 390. On the linen that I am using, it's right at 40 inches across. It's centered on a full yard of 32 (ish) count Strathaven Linen. My late husband christened it "the Tablecloth" LOL

  3. Oh, how beautiful your Dutch Beauty is. All that pretty stitching detail is wonderful. Love your new hexie; such pretty little flowers. How fabulous that you have included fabric that was once your great aunts....I love that.

    1. About 2/3 of the hexi sets are from Aunt Lottie via my mom's estate. All of the purple and green sets are ones she did and one of the fabrics in the pink sets was rescued from the scraps that were in the bag with the blocks(the rest of the pink sets are reproduction 1930s fabrics). I'm so happy to be able to get her project to 'finished' status.


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