Sunday, April 14, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - April 14, 2019

Well, I have a finish to report!   Yes, the Zombie Kittens are done.
There's such a sense of accomplishment to mark these off the list.   I think they were my oldest UFO, in fact, dating back to the mid 1970s!!!!   I don't count the UFOs inherited from my mom (like the Aunt Lottie's Garden quilt) because they only became MY UFOs in 2010 LOL.

The satin stitch came out OK, at least from a technical standpoint.  I used a single strand and padded it per Mary Corbet's tutorial (link to her website's video tutorial).
Poor kittens still look like they are frowning, but that's on the designer.   Things I learned on this piece were - better ground fabric would help, these are fairly light poly cotton and not very well woven.   Better thread choice - two threads instead of three would have been nicer, but I choose to match my original work.  I'm a better stitcher than I was back in the 1970s (I would HOPE so!!!), but I wasn't awful back then - main difference is that I learned to stop and start my lines without knots and to not carry my thread.

My next needlework project is another one of the Victoria Sampler "Four Elements".  This one is "The Green Earth".  I already have the linen set up in the scroll frame; I just need to wind the bobbins and sort out the accessory kit (beads and silk threads) and I can get started.

Linking up with Slow Sunday Stitching for this week's round up on Kathy's blog.


  1. such cute little kittens - that sure was an old piece of work, but you finished it!

    1. I was kind of embarrassed to say how old it was. I'd like to give my 20 year old self a stern talking to - you DON'T pack up half finished projects into long term storage!!

  2. Congrats on finishing an old UFO... feels great doesn't it!?!?
    ENjoy your new start!

    1. Thanks. I sure hope I don't find any more ancient in progress projects, but every time I think "That HAS to be all of them", I seem to find another box or bin LOL. There's still the attic and one corner of the basement yet to go.......

  3. Love those kittens and the Sampler! Took a look at the link! Have a great week!

    1. Mary has some wonderful resources for surface embroidery. I use her video tutorials all the time.

  4. I probably have a few ancient UFOs like that! Good for you, finishing them up. The kittens are cute!

    1. Thanks! Cleaning out the storage room has been like an crafty archeological excavation LOL.

  5. Those stitched kittens are so cute, love the new Four Elements project. Happy stitching.

    1. I'm really looking forward to the new Victoria Sampler project - they are such interesting little band samplers.

  6. Cute kittens, and you must be so pleased that they are finally finished! Are they pillowcases?

    1. Yes, they are the vintage type with the pre-punched edge to crochet and the design printed on in blue ink. I had finished the crochet and most of the first case (in the back of the pictures of both of them) before I stashed them. WHY I put them in a box in long term storage is anybody's guess.

  7. I don't think the kitten looks like it is frowning, but it certainly looks very sleepy. Your stitching is beautiful. I have some embroidery that I inherited from my aunt also. I look forward to following your progress on your new project.

    1. Thanks, sleepy is much better than frowning and I can see that. Good luck with your inherited embroidery. I do like vintage things.


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