Sunday, April 21, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - April 21, 2019

Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and happy Sunday to everybody else.   We had have some lovely spring weather this week in Kansas;  today will be partly cloudy, but I'll take that over rain or last year's "white Easter" when we actually had SNOW!!!

I've been spending more time outside as the weather warms up.  I need longer days!!!

There's been progress on my new needlework piece: Victoria Sampler's "Four Elements:  Earth".   At about two hours of work, all of the kloster blocks are done and I have the first area of four cut and ready to start the needleweaving.

The pink basting is where beads will go, so I've marked where NOT to cut.   Otherwise, who know what would happen......

This first area is just plain needlewoven, without any filler stitches, so it should go fast.   I'll work on it after church.  By the way, used my new Dovo scissors that I got at the Silver Needle camp for the cutwork.  They are really nice; sharp all the way to very fine tips - no 'whiskers' along the open edges now.

Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitching crew over at Kathy's blog


  1. I am so glad for the longer days and now take a walk outside after I get the kitchen cleaned up - so nice to be able to do that and sit on the porch for a little bit when I get done walking. Interesting stitch work,

    1. Thank you. The bands go pretty quickly and every one is different, so no chance of being bored LOL.

  2. Wow that is complex stitching... lots of concentration!
    Enjoy! Happy Easter!

    1. I did have to really pay attention. Unlike traditional hardanger, the next block on this isn't necessarily where you think it's going to be! There was, admittedly, some small amount of frogging (Rip-it, Rip-it....)


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