Sunday, August 18, 2019

Weekly Check in - August 18, 2019

Last weekend passed in a blur of overtime, but all of the audit items were submitted by the 5 pm deadline on Monday.  Go my team at work!!!

This week has been much better.  I took a full day off on Tuesday and half day on Friday.   It was glorious.  (Went to a lecture at Union Station on Friday in conjunction with the "Stonehenge" exhibit.) 

So there's been quite a bit of crafting this week.  First up - finished Block 26 for Aunt Lottie's Garden.  Just four more blocks to applique for the center of this quilt.  This is one of the vintage blocks and was actually from the scraps from one of my grandmother's house dresses.  My aunt and grandmother made most of their casual clothes, aprons, house dresses and such, but used a professional seamstress/dressmaker for their more formal clothing worn to church and out in public.  I loved Miz W (I don't remember if she was a widow or unmarried).   She used to make the most wonderful doll clothes from the scraps of her ladies' fancy dresses.  
You know, I remember less than half of these fabrics, so either the dresses had already worn out by the time I was old enough to pay attention, or possibly some friends and/or extended family gave Lottie their scraps.

The Four Elements Band Sampler "Green Earth" is on the bottom band.
And the zombie project that I picked up while waiting for the malachite beads has the second motif's borders laid in.
 Goals for today are to get a few more passes on the bargello, the rest of the double running on the towel  and get block 27 prepped and basted to work on in the upcoming week.

ETA: IT at work updated my operating system to Windows 10 week before last (yes, right in the middle of the audit - just one more stressor LOL) and now all of a sudden I can do the Slow Sunday Stitching link party again!   Hope it continues!   Here's the link up for this week.


  1. that stitchery sure is growing and is pretty

    1. Thank you. The designer sure packed a lot of fun stitching into these little samplers.

  2. What fun memories and pretty stitcheries. So glad the audit went well and was on time.

  3. Great stitching. Love the color of the hexies!

  4. Such a relief to meet a work deadline. Lovely embroidery stitches on Four Elements.

  5. I love your hexies and all of your stitching. I had to update my computer this week too and it took over 4 hours. I was worried the whole time. Glad you can join the link-up again.

    1. Updating is always nerve wracking - especially since work updates tend to come right when I am busy for some reason. And this one changed the look of so many things. Our IT folks have been busy with getting everyone up and running again. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. So glad you could link up! Fun to see your ongoing projects! Enjoy!


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