Sunday, September 26, 2021

Slow Stitching Sunday - September 26, 2021

 Another busy week.  This week was the 150th anniversary of founding of my high school! Lots of activities - homecoming game, my sister was in town for her 40 class reunion (postponed from last year).  

Work's been busy, too.  But there has been crafting. 

Got the last of the alternate blocks for Lucy Boston done.  This is the fourth one.   I'll get the second of the connecting blocks cut out after I check out the rest of the SSS Crew (link to current round up).  The next while on this project is going to be BORING - block after block of the connecting segments, all the same with four of the brown/black/teal print and six black honeycombs.  Over and over. and over. and...........

Got a chunk of Round 9/Side 2 on the afghan finished.   The solid navy looks really good as a border in my opinion.


Finished the Mill Hill ornament (link to finish post), and put in a couple of hours on Dutch Beauty, page S/19.  Going to try to FINALLY get this motif done (hello parrot) then on to the bottom border on this page this week.


  1. The navy border is perfect for your blanket. How big is Dutch Beauty? It’s looking great!

    1. She's huge - a full yard of linen - 24 inches (61.5 cm) high by 35.5 inches (90 cm) wide. Going to cost a mint to frame!

  2. Your Lucy Boston quilt is going to be beautiful! Even though connecting the blocks is your least favorite step, I hope you'll enjoy seeing it progress!

  3. Wonderful progress on 3 long term projects that are very different types of needlework!
    Great job on the ornament too!

  4. Great projects! I like the look of that afghan! Hope you have a great week!

  5. I will be happy to cheer you on in your Lucy Boston journey; I need to locate my long-lost LB mojo! Perhaps in cheering for you I will find my own! :)

  6. Even though they may be boring those connecting parts for Lucy Boston are going to make everything pop. I can't wait to see it all. Dutch Beauty is looking wonderful!


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