Sunday, October 10, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching - October 10, 2021

 I've had a rough couple of days.  I did something that pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle in my lower back.  I cannot get comfortable either sitting or laying down.  UGH.  And I had plans for this weekend.

The thing is, I have a small birth defect that results in this type of ouch on a semi-regular basis - maybe once or twice a year.  And I hate the muscle relaxers and pain meds that I have to get for it.  They make me all fuzzy headed, so I try to tough it out for a couple of days.  Often just taking it easy is enough and I don't have to do meds at all.   But I'll call if it's not better by Tuesday morning. 

But before all that happened, I did get a few crafty type things done.  I got the third of the connecting blocks finished for my Lucy Boston "Patchwork of the Crosses".

Dutch Beauty made it to a good stopping spot and met my goal for this year!  When I pick it up again, I'll work on the small bird motifs on the left side just by the big vase.  There are a pair of love birds with a crowned heart, two tiny ducks and a stork or crane.  I'm sort of sorry to put it away, but there's still a fair bit to do on the remaining three pages and it would be easy to burn out on it if I tried to power on to a finish at this point.

Next, I pulled out the USMC seal for the needlework focus piece.  One over one time!

Got to the corner on the sock yarn blanket, and now it will be on hold until I get Bob's sock done. Speaking of which, it's cast on and the ribbing is underway.   I'm actually several rounds further than this.  True confession time.  Kimi's stocking was knit flat - argyle style with intarsia.   I'm knitting Bob's stocking in the round with stranded colorwork and duplicate stitch.   If I still had the pattern, I'd do the third one the same as the first two.  But that pattern is long gone and I don't knit enough argyle socks to reverse engineer one.   We'll see how it goes.

Linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching


  1. You’ve done a variety of stitching this week! I hope your neck feels better soon. The stocking sounds complicated…someday, I will learn to do colour work.

  2. Back pain is just horrible. I hope you feel better soon and can get back to your many craft projects!

  3. Lovely projects, hope you feel better soon!

  4. Back pain is the worst, especially when it hurts whatever position you are in. I hope you are feeling better and pain-free soon. My goodness, Dutch Beauty is gorgeous! Good luck with the knitting.

  5. So sorry to read about your back pain, do hope it improves soon, as it certainly can wear you down, ask me how I know! Your Dutch Beauty looks wonderful, you must be enjoying stitching this piece, I imagine.


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