Sunday, May 15, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 15, 2022

 Lots of stuff going on this week!  I got a new storm door installed and even the pizza delivery guy noticed LOL.  Still working on getting a few more projects on the house done before I retire.   I'd eventually like to replace all the storm windows, but I'll have to do that a few at a time as the budget permits.  

I'm off Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday next week and even though I have a couple of appointments and my grandson's sixth grade promotion assembly to go to, I'm hoping to get a bit more crafting time next week.

I did get some things done this week:

First of all - very exciting, I'm getting close to the first of the I cord corners on the Sock Yarn Blanket.   This final / binding border is not 'mindless knitting' anymore; since the rows are only a few stitches long, I can never really get into a rhythm.  But the flip side of such small rows is how fast they go.  I'll share a picture of a corner when I get there. 

Thanks to a good audio book on Saturday afternoon, I am almost to five hours on the Plaza Sewing Bag for the current rotation.  The next portion of the city streetscape is the building that is the highlight of the actual Plaza skyline - the clock tower; there is SO MUCH double running!! There's a whole big and complex second story rotunda, dome and finials yet to outline before I can even start on the fill in.   This building will certainly take multiple rotations to finish!

And I got the second corner block added to the "Patchwork of the Crosses" table topper.   

I have the third corner (upper left) prepped and will start connecting it as soon as I'm done checking out the rest of the SSS crew (link to current round up).


  1. This next building sounds complicated but all your efforts will pay off. The POTC quilt top is looking great! When do you retire? I retired almost three years ago and love it! Gail at The Cozy Quilter

    1. I'm hoping to retire at the end of this year. It may be a bit later than that, though. It just depends on the market and the inflation rate.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the blanket finish! Enjoy your slow stitching today!

  3. Hi Karla, how nice to see another Patchwork of the Crosses project. A beauty! Enjoy your time off work now! Happy Stitching from me!


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