Sunday, December 11, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching (and December Blackbird Weekend) - December 11, 2022

Even though last weekend was technically the BBD SAL weekend, I moved it to this weekend due to the way my work week went.   It's always tough to make that first weekend work for a SAL since I'm an accountant and we are crazy busy the first three or four days of the month. 

I got another five hours in on "Beyond My Heart" and the bottom half of the chart is coming along nicely.  Still to do: two more branches of floral and then background circular motifs (plus initials and year when I'm done). 

Where I started for comparison

I also got the cowl cast on.  I think this will be another good travel project; the pattern is very repetitive and easy to 'read the knitting' on.   It looks like it should be lace, but the increases are kfb (knit front and back) instead of using the YO (yarn over/yarn forward) stitch that lace does.   


This picture is only about four rounds in - still at that awkward state where there's not enough weight of project to keep it from ruffling up on the needle.   I promise that I've checked to be sure it's not twisted!  This is, by the way, the second cast on, because I did NOT check the first time around (and I know better, but I got overconfident).   

Linking up with the SSS crew (current week's round up).


  1. That pot of flowers is so soft and pretty. I understand about getting things twisted at the beginning of a project…. Have a great week. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. The basket of flowers is a pretty design! Looks like you're making great progress on it!

  3. Your Blackbird is looking so lovely. Such pretty floss colors in this piece and your fabric is so yummy. Happy stitching.


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