Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - June 2, 2024

Well, I can say (with an entire day under my belt) that I'm enjoying retirement.   😊 

I turned in laptop, etc on Friday afternoon (since I ended up working a bit this last week after all), and Saturday morning I went out, bought myself a new computer and spent the afternoon getting everything set up and loaded.  Not a difficult task, just tedious.

Then I cast on this:

"Wait a minute," you say.  "That looks like the yarn from the Brown Yoke Sweater, but that's not part of a sweater, is it?"   No, it is not.   It is a 'swatch cap'   So named by the late, great Elizabeth Zimmermann of "Knitting Without Tears" fame.  An adult sized hat is large enough to be an excellent sized swatch for working out colorwork or cables IN GAUGE and knit in the round, there's no variance due to the technique either.    This one is large enough that I will be able to test three different colowork yoke ideas with two repeats each.   Stay tuned - as I'm knitting ribbing, I'm also playing with graph paper......

This week in and around subbing for a co-worker who had an unexpected family trip come up, I did get a bit over five hours put into the KC Plaza Sewing bag.   Finished off the shadow color on the left-hand horse and got started on the right-hand fill in.  I'm working in two areas on the fill in, with the head and mane in progress when I am rested and able to focus and the rump when I just need to be able to cruise along.   Let me tell you, over one on 34 count linen is not fun.   That count is where I discovered the need to switch to tent stitch for over one!  But I will soldier on with full cross since that's what I started with.

The sewing bag will go on the back burner for a bit.  Starting this afternoon, the monthly Birdhouses SAL will come out for the June assignment!   I'll come back to the horses for the rest of my ten hours once the SAL section is done.  

Linking up with the SSS crew here.


  1. I like your idea of having some areas to work on when you just want to cruise along, and others when you need more focus. Looks like quite a project!

  2. Congrats on retirement. I am sure you will have no problem keeping busy with all of your different stitching interests. I know that is true for me since I retired 2 years ago. I have always struggled with swatch knitting. I'm always worried about having enough yarn for the project and I don't understand how to adjust to make the gauge correct. I look forward to seeking what you decide for a yoke design. Graph paper will definitely help there.

  3. Lovely stitching. I am going to need to get a new computer by next year. Microsoft informed me mine system wouldn't be updated after September 2025. Happy retirement!

  4. Congratulations on your retirement, just think of all the exciting things you will, have time for during the week. Or not, you may prefer to stay home and work on your projects. The choice is yours, but I guarentee you won't be bored.


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