Friday, May 31, 2024

Full Coverage - May 2024 Month End Report

Good month again on my full coverage piece, Mead Dragon - art by Stanley Morrison, charting by Paine Free Crafts. I put in 3,632 stitches, which is well over my monthly goal of 2,500 stitches

This brings me to 17,149/94,500 stitches or 18.15%.   I am working across Row 44 using the typewriter method of cross-country stitching. 

I brought the 'problem' symbol (DMC318 - a solid black box that doesn't highlight well in Pattern Keeper) down to row 120.  I also brought one of the left border colors down that far so I have a visual stopping point set.   At that point I will need to move the fabric up in the qsnaps anyway.  That gives me just 392 stitches of that problem color to finish in the entire piece.   While I'm not a big fan of extreme cross country, I will keep doing that one symbol first to get it out of the way - such a pain.

Here's a reminder of where I started the month:

 More wings, more horns, more face, more background.   I will keep doing one strand in the dragon (right now I'm trying to finish off the horns) each time I work on this, then as much background as possible.

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