Sunday, July 28, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - July 28, 2024 AND Rotation #3, Slot #1 (Historic) Changeover

Hello from hot and muggy Kansas!  Late July and early August are my least favorite times of the year.   And the season that I am SO grateful for my central air conditioning that I put in during one of the lulls in the pandemic.  It was miserable when I used to have to use window AC; there were always parts of the house that didn't get cool.   

The garden is taking up a lot of my time.  It is in the 'can't keep up with it' stage.  Lots of preservation projects going on, which is cutting into my crafting time a bit. On the docket today is pickles.  What stitching time I had this week was spent on my Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers #33 "Keepsake Pin Pillow".  

At the end of ten hours, it is SO close to a finish.   I have less than 100 stitches to put in the little background motifs, but I'm not going to push through.   Because if I do, it will just go into the 'to be finished' pile.   I haven't even completed the needlebook that will fully finish the LAST BBD that I did and I'm very behind on my WIPGO goals, too.  My whole WIPGO board is finishing, and I need to actually allocate some time to those projects!  I do want to get the 'under the bed box' cleared out!!!!

If I can get the needlebook and at least a couple of my WIPGO calls done, that will set me up to finish this project easily next time around the rotation.  What I plan to do is use today through Wednesday to work on some of those finishing goals and also to put some time into my full coverage piece before the end of the month.   Then on Thursday, August 1, the Birdhouse SAL will come out.

The other project that saw some time this week was the travel project - the perforated paper Santa.  Since I haven't got to his head or feet yet, he still rather looks like a colorful blob 😀.  But if you squint, you can see there's a vest and long belted robe appearing.

Unfortunately, my grandson's football camp ends on the first of August.  So, I won't have the steady pickup line time to work on my travel project several days a week and progress on this piece will slow down a bit.  I need to find out if my son and daughter in law need me to pick up or drop off kids once school starts.  It's a win/win - time with my grandkid and guaranteed stitching time!

Linking up with the SSS crew.


  1. We have been spending lots of time outside too…hiking, biking and gardening. Stitching inside on those hot days —a great way to stay cool! Have fun making your pickles and I hope there are more opportunities for grandkids and stitching on Santa soon. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. I didn't plant any vegetables this year knowing that I would be away a few times during the harvest time. I too greatly enjoy having central AC. I don't know if I could ever go back to not having it. Your pin pillow and Santa are looking great. Enjoy your stitching when you can.

  3. Your stitching is beautiful and yes, central AC is a welcome blessing in the sweltering summer heat!


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