Sunday, September 8, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - September 8, 2024

Good progress this week on both the travel project and the SAL. 

I'm seeing finishes for the Jardin Prive "Au Fil des Nichoirs" popping up all over Instagram and Floss tube.    It's the last month for the Oct to Oct SAL and I'm proud to say I've kept up with it all year and am closing in on a finish myself.   Here's where I am as of right now - this month the birdhouse is a schoolhouse and I'm getting ready to do the schoolyard bell hanging from the post.   Also happy to report that the fence met up across the section!  (It's always such a relief when things match up LOL,)
I also hit a milestone on the travel project yesterday.   All the stitching is done!   I still have to make the twisted cord hanger, do the beard, cut it out and back it.   But the end is in sight!
I think I'll do the last of the "Animal Santas" for my next travel project.   Since I'd done ones with dogs, a horse, and this one with wild forest critters, pretty predictable that the last one is cats.   Hopefully I'll be able to show you that one next week.  I'm not getting it out until this is a FULLY finished object.  I know myself and given the choice between doing the finishing and getting to start a 'new shiny thing', I will choose to go squireling off after the new thing every time!

Linking up with the SSS crew.  (Who are a source of accountability and enablers all at the same time!)


  1. Good job on keeping up with cross stitched projects and yay on fence meeting up. I am always tempted to start a new project rather than work on an ongoing one.

  2. Santa with the wild critters deserves to be finished first before starting the next one--so cute. I love the picket fence project too. It has been fun watching you stitch this one. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. Beautiful projects, both of them. Happy stitching!

  4. I'm in awe of cross stitchers, such patience required!

  5. Your projects are so pretty. I am the same way with finishing projects. There are two waiting to be finished, yet I have another in the works. Sigh....


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