Sunday, September 1, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - Sept 1, 2024 AND Full Coverage August 2024 Month End Report

Long weekend for those of us in the US - Labor Day holiday.   I'm glad to see it start to cool off and I'm looking forward to it being time to put the garden to bed.    The tomatoes really got ahead of me this summer.    I'm probably going to need to do fewer plants next year or at least get them canned in a timely manner.   One thing I need to look into is some kind of an irrigation system.  Something to research over the winter. 

In and around dealing with the tomato glut, I did get my 10 hours put in on the KC Plaza Sewing bag.   See photos on the changeover post.   I'll be working on the border motifs next time this comes up.   Lots of beads and whatnot once the borders are done, though. 

And I did get to my goal on the Mead Dragon piece.   But just barely - I put in 2,530 stitches in August and the goal is 2,500.   I blame being under the weather for a bit over a week in the middle of the month.  Total stitches since I started it on 1/31 is 26,272 / 94,500, so I'm at 27.80%

And where I was at the first of the August to compare.   I have started down the neck of the dragon and also got a bit more done on the wing, including starting the pale colors that fill in the wing membrane.   Sides are down to row 150 as is the 'problem color'.    Background in general is at row 78.  (So much confetti stitching!)

I also got in some stitches on my travel project - two more 'critters' down and one (a deer) to go.
Linking up with the SSS crew and see what the other stitchers are up to.  I'm going to be getting started on the last section of the Birdhouses SAL once I have checked in.


  1. Cute Santa with his critter friends. The dragon is emerging! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. All that confetti stitching alwasy seems to hinder major progress. I didn't plant any veggies at all this summer as I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with it due to several trips away from home. The duck and the racoon are cute. I am looking forward to seeing the deer.


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