Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tis' the Season

for Christmas Programs.   My grandson's school had their winter program last night.   It was a packed auditorium at the High School for the event.    Their music teachers did a fantastic job - the kids were excited and so cute dressed up in their best.   I was so proud of Carl, he kept his shirt tucked in and his tie on LOL.   So many of the little boys, you could tell, had started out 'spiffed up', but by the time they got on stage, shirts were untucked, ties were askew or missing, hair was mussed.   The wait in the music room must have felt like forever.

Next year we will have one in the 'little kids' (K-2) program and one in the 'big kids' (3-5) program.   That's going to be a LONG night LOL.

We went out to "Vikings", a local sports bar/grill, afterwards for dinner - the kids and grandkids and Angie's mom, Ree.    I feel sorry for the grandkids that they have lost both of their grandfathers so young.  At least they will hopefully remember Danny.   Walt would have been proud of how our boy is parenting.   Our kids were reasonably quiet and sat in their seats coloring while we waited for our food.  Some of the kids  (several families headed there after the program) were just wild animals and their parents sat like lumps with their eyes glued to their phones.   GRRRR. 

BTW, I'm amused by the grill's logo.   The Seaman  School District is north of Topeka proper, and their High School mascot / team name is where the "Viking" thing came from.  

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