Sunday, December 8, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - December 8, 2019

I was supposed to have a report on all the progress that I made this week on getting the hexipuff cushion assembled.  oops.   I made zero progress on that project. 

What I did work on was a zombie project that I dug out of the basement a few months back.  This is a needlepoint on plastic canvas project of a tissue box cover with North American song birds on each side.   There's a proper introduction post with photos (here), but let it suffice to say that this is about an hour and a half into side #3.
Obviously a North American robin.   There's the fiddley bit with the dark brown outlining the wing and dappling on the back to do today for my Slow Sunday Stitching.  (Link to this week's roundup.)

I also got a couple more of the background pieces attached for the Christmas Carpenter's Star.  I did the corners back in October at the library Fiber Fair, and I have the strips for the outer star ready to subcut.

All in all, not as unproduction as it seems, since I also had a potluck holiday dinner to bake for and the grandkid's school's Winter/Christmas Program this week. 


  1. Fabulous Karla! The centre of that star block is perfect!
    I love robins as they are the first sign that we have survived another winter and spring is on the way!

  2. What a sweet little birdie cross stitch AND your Christmas Carpenter's Star is looking amazing!

  3. Your bird on your canvas project is sweet ... I can almost hear his song! Great job on your Christmas Carpenter Star! Love the colors you've used!! :)


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