Sunday, May 31, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 31, 2020

Even though work has been it's usual end of the month busy and the entire nation seems to have gone crazy if you listen to the major news networks, I'm focusing on my garden and my crafting to stay sane.  

I have put in about three hours on Millennium this week and have the water area at the bottom of the central scene about half done. 
And I have worked on JC's USMC seal some
The only knitting has been on the sock yarn blanket - I'll get a picture when I get to the next corner, since that will also be the end of a round.

Stay safe everyone.

ETA:  Linking up with Slow Sunday Stitching (this week's roundup).


  1. sometimes it is all we can do but concentrate on our stitching and our homes and shut the news off - it is hard though when it is constantly every where we look - if we use any kinds of social media it is there

    1. Basically, I started not watching the nightly news back when my son was deployed to Iraq when he was active duty (2007-2008) and never really got back into the habit after he got out of the Corps. I think I'm less stressed that way. And my Facebook is mostly family, Bonnie Hunter and several needlework groups. I've unsubscribed from everything else.

  2. Wow, it's great to get three hours of hand stitching time. Woohoo! Both projects looking gorgeous as always. :) Happy stitching.

    1. I try to put in 15 to 30 minutes on my needlework most days. Now that I'm not commuting for work (until mid July at least), that's easy to do.

  3. Your Millennium project is truly beautiful. I am looking forward to the day when I can see it all is going to be amazing. Yes, your country is groaning and writhing at the is all just so sad.

  4. I can see your progress. Crafting is the best way to remain sane right now. I find the losing myself in a book helps also.

  5. Lovely stitching. You are right about the news it seems to be getting worse each night.


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