Sunday, June 27, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching - June 27, 2021

 Hello from stormy Kansas.  This weekend is the airshow at Forbes Field (former Air Force Base, still home to the "Kansas Coyotes", the AF Reserve 190th Air Refueling Wing) and now our local airport.  Plus out at the racetrack, this is the weekend of the big regional country music event "Heartland Stampede".   So of course, we had a major thunderstorm on Friday afternoon - 70 MPH straight line winds and less traumatic/dramatic scattered storms for the rest of the weekend.   There are trees down all over town, but my two oaks just lost a bunch of twigs and leaves.

I feel sorry for the folks that were stuck outside when the storm hit or that had their weekend plans ruined.  Me, I stayed home and stitched LOL.

First of all, earlier in the week at Alexis' Wednesday softball game, I got the center of the second alternate block for Lucy Boston done.   Here are both of them:

I cut out the fabric for the third center, and was going to work on it at her second game this week, but the game was on Friday, so of course, it was rained out.   Her games this coming week are on Tuesday and Thursday, so hopefully I'll have some time this week to work on it.  At the rate we are going, the 'rain make up' part of the season is stretching well into July! (Playoffs were originally scheduled for the 1st and 2nd).

Then yesterday, I got to the fourth corner of round 8 on the sock yarn blanket and the first half of the corner done. Need to finish that up today.

And last, but certainly not least, I made it to ten hours on the Unicorn Pillow.   I got all the back mane outlined and about two thirds of the filling stitching done.

I'm going to keep going on this until I get the rest of the mane filled in before I change out my rotation.  I'm sort of reluctant to put this away.  I'm having fun working on it and it's so much different than the other projects in my rotation.  

Next time, I'm planning on moving over to the ears and forelock - more outline filling on the forelock and more basket weave / continental on the ears.  The horn is metallic - looks like Kreinik Cord in "Gold".  So that will go in last after everything else is done.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the ribbon/rose cockade will work.  The rose is satin stitch, and the ribbons a combo of satin and basket / continental. 

Several people asked last week for a close up of the outline filling.  Hopefully this lets you see how it works.  The dark grey is one strand, the white and the light grey or beige 'shadows' are all two strands, so they stand up from the basket / continental background just a bit.   It's a nice texture.  I love the way that the outline flows around the curves.

Linking up with SSS.


  1. Love seeing your progress on the unicorn. We could use your storms. It was in the 100's two weeks ago, 90s last week, will be in the 100's again this week, no rain in sight. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I wish I could send the rain your direction, looks like today's game will be rained out, too!

  2. The unicorn project is really amazing! I haven't done a lot of cross-stitch, so I didn't realize there were different stitches like the outline fill you've been working on. It really looks like a mane would look!

    1. This design is sort of on a strange intersection between counted thread, needlepoint and crewel. There's really no cross stitch in it - only half cross (but I'm doing it in the basket weave mode because that version of the stitch is good for things like upholstery and pillow that get heavy wear).

      I'm taking my directions for outline as a filler from Mary Cobet's blog (

    2. Surface embroidery like crewel is a rabbit hole that is fun to dive down for sure! I think that's why I'm having so much fun with this project.

  3. Beautiful work, love the textures in the mane.

    1. Thanks, I really like how it turned out. Ears and forelock next time it comes up in the rotation.

  4. You made lots of progress this week on the unicorn. The stitches really create a nice texture on the mane.

  5. Very wise staying home and stitching. =) Your unicorn is looking amazing!

  6. As long as you are having fun, that is the main/mane thing (see how I did that ccreative word play there! LOL)


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