Sunday, July 25, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching - July 25, 2021

 Made it to the weekend!!!  My big project at work is done.  Submitted it right after lunch on Friday, several hours prior to the deadline!  Proud of myself and thankful for everyone who gave me data, helped, reviewed, etc.  Next week will be busy, since there's a lot of every month things that were put on the back burner last week.  But the stress level around here is MUCH less now!

This weekend is the virtual retreat #24HoursOfCrossStitch.  I'm not going to get in 24 full hours since I wasn't able to take Friday off, but what time I have, I have been putting in on Dutch Beauty, even though I hit my 10 hours on Friday night.

I figure it won't hurt anything to put in more than the usual time.  To be honest, I am too brain dead to bother swapping out to another project.  32 count two over two with a limited color pallet suits my mood much better than designing a small or full coverage one over one!

I did work on the fourth of the alternate Patchwork of the Crosses / Lucy Boston blocks for my #LunchHourCrafting this week.  And got the center done.   

The color is off in this picture - shaded too much to the orange, but I do like the fussy cutting on this one, too.  Next up is a decision on the background for the alternate blocks and pathway blocks.  The pathway blocks will all have four of the multi color speckle squares down the center of the block.

Last crafting thing worth a mention, 6 more inches on the Sock Yarn Blanket. I'm at the halfway point on the last side of round 8.

Off to see what the rest of the SSS crew is up to (link to current round up).   May I say how glad I am to have that group keep me motivated?


  1. So nice to have that big project at work done! Dutch beauty doesn’t mind that she is getting more than her share of the stitching this month at all! Nice to have a lunchtime slow stitching project too,

  2. Such a beautiful piece to work on for 24 HOC. Your Lucy Boston block is so interesting and pretty. I look forward to seeing your progress. Have a great day.

  3. So glad you finished your work project. Dutch beauty is so pretty. Enjoy your stitching.

  4. Dutch Beauty is lovely! Congrats on ticking the Big Job at work off your list.

  5. I can hear your relief of the big project at work being done. Now you can relax, put your feet up and enjoy your stitching.


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