Sunday, June 11, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching - June 11, 2023

 Kind of a short update this week.   Not a lot to report, just four hours on the Plaza Sewing Bag this week.   Satin stitch is a tedious stitch, to be honest.   Especially the parts that I'm doing now that are over just two threads around the back edge and the rim on the front.   Even the wider bits aren't much better.  The pattern calls for three strands, so you have to use a laying tool to get everything parallel.  

I'm rather reminding myself "just 10 hours" on this one.   A timed rotation is good for providing motivation for projects that are in a 'slog' section.   I actually like doing small batches of satin stitch, it's just that it's taking a LOT longer than I thought it would.....  There's just so MUCH of it on this section.

Hooking up with the SSS crew (weekly round up)


  1. Your satin stitch is very neat. I'm not surprised it has taken longer than you thought it would.

  2. I don't think I have ever even heard of a "laying tool". I always hate satin stitch as I struggle to get it even. Your work looks beautiful. I think that knowing you are limiting yourself to 10 hours makes the tedious work bearable.

    1. A Laying Tool is a long, smooth, pointed gizmo that is used to stroke and even out threads in gold work and embroidery. I'll share a picture of mine next week.

  3. Lovely stitching! I don't mind satin stitching, but in truth haven't done it on such a big section.

  4. I love your embroidery piece. It caught my eye at Kathy’s link up. Not sure what a laying tool is? Sounds interesting. I also like your timed rotation process. Very smart! Your skills create a beautiful satin stitch! Happy stitching!

  5. Your embroidery is looking wonderful. I like doing timed rotations as well; it keeps me motivated to move projects along. Have a great week.


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