Sunday, May 26, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - May 26, 2019

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US.  For my readers from abroad, that's like Remembrances Day; a time to honor our fallen military.   Many families also use the time to honor all deceased members of their family, especially former military.  Most of my family is military/law enforcement or teachers - very much all about public service.  I'm kind of an odd duck in my family because I work in corporate business.

But in honor of my husband, dad, father in law, cousin, uncle and all the generations stretching back in time.  Thank you for your service and sacrifice.  (Leaving out my son, JC, because he's very much alive, thank God.   He'll get honored on Veteran's Day/Marine Corps birthday in November.)

I don't have any real plans for the rest of the weekend, including the Monday holiday.  It's rainy and cold here, so a weekend of hibernation and crafting sounds like fun. 

I have some progress to report.   I drove the carpool last week, so I didn't have a lot of time to work on my hand piecing project.  But in the evenings, I did manage to get half of the back ground on the big Carpenter's Wheel attached.   This will be my focus this weekend.  (Please ignore the rumpled sheets in the background.   I did eventually get the bed made....)

I also managed to get the second and third area of the hardanger done on the Victoria Sampler "Earth" little band sampler.   I had a bit of a misadventure and cut a thread that was supposed to stay, but got it fixed using the instructions in Janice Love's book "Hardanger: Basics and Beyond".   It just took a bit to get up the nerve to try, and when I did, it was so easy.

Ready to do the last area, which is double wrapped bars and dove's eyes.   That will be the most complex area and the slowest to do.

Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitching crew. 


  1. Your hand pieced Carpenter's Wheel is wonderful... so close to being finished!
    And your hardanger is really a challenging piece of stitching... congrats on keeping with it!

  2. Your Carpenter's Wheel is a beauty and your hardanger piece is looks a wee bit tricky. You must be so very proud of all your family members who have served your country so well. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

  3. Your Carpenter's Wheel is beautiful. I have always wanted to try hardanger. Your piece is very pretty.


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