UFO/WiP list of lists

Current UFOs (Unfinished Objects) and WiP (Works in Progress):

A Project becomes a Work in Progress (WiP) when:  I cast on a knit or crochet project, I put the first stitch in a needlework project or make the first cut for a quilt.  Before that - it's stash, even if it's kitted up with all the materials/pattern ready to go.

I almost always have a 'portable' / 'travel' project on the go.  It can be a small, simple knitting project (hat, scarf, socks) or English Paper Piecing / small simple embroidery / easy applique block.  It gets worked on when I'm out and about, a commuter passenger, or in line in a drive through, etc.  It may also be worked on as a "TV watching" project if I don't have another 'mindless' project on the go.  I don't track any hours on the travel project since the time I spend working on it is so erratic.
  • Current Travel Project: Perf Paper Santa Ornaments
This year, I am also working on a piece logging the high temp for each day.
  • Monthly Project: "Temperature Stitches" by Stitching Mommy on etsy.

Knitting, Crochet, Spinning and Weaving

Please check my Ravelry account for the details.  At one point, I recommended Ravelry wholeheartedly for all knitters, crocheters, weavers and spinners.   I can no longer do that.   While the platform, tracking tools and pattern/library features are still wonderful, the owners of the platform censor conservative voices.  As a private company, that is their right.   It is also my right to not support companies who cancel or censor me.  While I am still using the projects, stash and queue features for my own work, I no longer participate in the forums nor do I support Ravelry in any form, and I limit my time on the platform to record keeping only and ignore all advertising/social media. 
  • SPIN:  Occasionally I get out my wheel and/or spindles.
  • WEAVE: (c1994) Get Loom set back up and see if white cotton throw is salvageable. If so, set up a project page for it and finish 
  • KNIT / CROCHET:  I am a somewhat monogamous knitter, so there are usually just one or two "house" knitting projects, which tend to be large and/or fairly complex (colorwork, lace, cables).   
    • I try to work on sweaters in the winter and lace or smaller projects in the summer (to avoid having a lapful of wool when it's 100 degrees F outside).   Sometimes a project takes longer than a 'season' and lingers a bit.  
    • The "travel" project is frequently knitting though, so I often have two to three active projects in Rav.
    • Current Knitting Project:  "The Brown Yoke Sweater" (self-designed) and the 'swatch cap' associated with it.

Needlework (Cross-stitch, Crewel, Cutwork, Free Form Embroidery, etc):

These crafts have a rotation.  Each project gets a minimum of 10 hours (or to a completed project/section) before I move on to the next slot in the rotation.  Full Coverage goal is 2500 stitches per month.

The current Rotation (see the side bar for which one is currently being worked on): 
  1. Other than Counted Thread - "Majestic Eagle aka Eagle in the Pines" (Zombie project - 1983) - crewel work picture
  2. Vintage or Historical Reproduction/Inspired Sampler - "Blessings and Kind Wishes" by Blackbird Designs.  Loose Feathers #31. 
  3. Modern - Wildflower Cottage Creations (local designer) “On the Plaza” sewing bag (2003 Class Project that matches the guild smalls)
  4. Pictorial - "Mead Dragon" art by Stanley Morrison, chart by Paine Free Crafts (Full Coverage)

I will continue to focus on finishing and framing; both keeping up with current finishes and going back to FFO older pieces.  There are quite a few projects in the 'finish or frame' bin AKA "The Under the Bed Box".   I started with 48 when I did the first inventory 3/2021, currently down to 34 as of the end of 2024.

Quilting (including hand piecing and applique): 

Quilt currently being worked on:
  • QUILT EPP  (2017/18 Bee) - "Lucy Boston 'Patchwork of the Crosses' " - table topper: 9 main , 4 alternate, and 12 connecting blocks are done and assembled with the edges filled in to more or less straight.  Borders yet to do for a finished top.  Batting choice, quilting/tie, and edge treatment TBD - possibly a knife edge. 
Quilts on Hold - there are four quilts that are in "craft prison" - need to figure out next steps.
  • "On Ringo Lake" mystery quilt designed by Bonnie Hunter. (2017) Top will be donated to charity (in Vera bag in closet)
  • "Aunt Lottie's Garden aka Grandmother’s Flower Garden" (2010) - inherited from Mom, rescued vintage blocks made by my great aunt Charlotte "Lottie" Koenig - two dozen vintage double rings salvaged and ten reproduction sets made. Applique blocks inspired by MSQC tutorial on Vintage Blocks.  All blocks are done, need to assemble and then design and applique borders. (in storage)
  • "Pinwheel Ocean Waves" (made with vintage and reproduction fabrics - 1990) - double bed size. Center medallion done, needs top and bottom pinwheel block strips and outer borders. (need to source remainder of fabric) OR finish as is for a large wall quilt (in storage)
  • "Lotus Blossom Medallion" (c 1990)  - center octagonal section about 36 inches across.  Need to add borders to make it square and double bed sized OR finish as is for a table topper (in storage)
Waiting to be quilted (in 'To Be Quilted' box):

1.   QUILTING (hand) - "Fox and Geese" (c1988) - double bed sized
2.   QUILTING (DSM FMQ) - "Floral Challenge" (1991) - octagonal and about 36 inches across
3.   QUILT (DSM FMQ) - "Summer Cabin" table set - two placemats and a table runner
4.   QUILTING (hand) - Whole cloth pillows (2)
- when I finish enough blocks on either of these, I will assemble a top:
  • QUILT PIECING (orphan blocks) - "Christmas Blocks". When I do a sample for any project or just to see what a block would look like, I'm going to try to do it in Christmas fabrics.  Includes one block of red cut work that I may pull out to start a Baltimore Album "Paper-cuts" quilt. (in storage - two boxes)
  • QUILT PIECING ("Leader and Ender" Project.[^1]) - 'Scrappy Bars Rail Fence'. Pattern is "Ariel's Wedding Quilt" by Jo's Country Junction (in storage).

Un-started Objects (for the record)

1. NEEDLEWORK Stash - the actual stash of kitted projects is listed in the link (including the current count, things I'd like to kit, and things I'd like to buy and kit up).  I am still buying patterns, but somewhat more carefully than in the past, and no longer kitting up every pattern that I buy.  (The total kit count is down from approximately 175 kits and WIPs at the first rough count in 2015, with 142 kits/kitted patterns at the first detailed inventory in Dec 2019.)

2. KNITTING - my Ravelry queue has about 30 items in it, most of which I have the yarn for.  And there is a lot of yarn in my stash without a queued item attached (sigh).  Four large totes (down from 6 extra-large totes plus a dozen bags right after I inherited my mom's stash in 2010).

3. QUILTING cont.- and there are a few un-started (or barely started) quilts that I have all or most of the fabric for.  

  1. HIGH Priority - QUILT (not started) - "Quilt of Valor" (throw sized) for my son
  2. "Fan Sampler" Quilt (1991 BOM Project) Set on point. 10 inch blocks - 2 blocks of 13 done.  (could go into crazy quilt wall hanging with two other blocks).
  3. “Pathway to the Stars” - (JoAnn’s Block of the Month 2001 - rescued) 12 inch blocks, double bed sized - taken back to the start, need to find a couple of complementary fabrics for replacing some damaged fabric
  4. "Wildlife" double or queen
  5. "Floral Log Cabin X" twin  
  6. "Broken Lone Star" (2002 Rescued Blocks) 82 inches square plus borders - will do EPP on this one to be sure the star is nice and flat.  Purchased as a partial kit at a garage sale.  The precut star pieces are there, but not the setting material.   I took apart the one and a half very badly pieced star points.  Some of the edges are pretty frayed.  I hope I can make it work with the EPP because there's no chance of matching the material.
4. SEWING - not including all the historic and history bounding wardrobe projects that I'd love to do someday.
  •  Doll clothes (simple sundress and panties, fancy sundress and panties, yellow dress and panties, dotted dress and panties, blue dress and panties) - fabrics purchased, not started
  •  mat, travel tool case, foot-pedal bag, and other accessories for my Featherweight (in under the bed WiP box).
  • Several panel projects - apron, Halloween basket and Christmas decorations (angel tree topper and trio of standing Santas).  Also two vests.  I may not actually do these as the intended projects - they can be cut up for interesting pieces for scrappy quilts.

[^1]: This is piecing random units while chain piecing another top so that you always have something under the needle on your sewing machine, which keeps the threads from bunching up in the bobbin area.  The idea is that they stack up 'in the background' until you have enough for a top.