Sunday, September 29, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - September 29, 2019

This month went by at warp speed!  Between the quilt show and the fact that we are short-handed at work, I've been ultra busy.   So there's been less crafting than usual, but it is, at least, happening.   Slow and intermittent is better than none, right?

I got the replacement flower set done for Aunt Lottie's Garden.  (Add cleaning my keyboard to the 'To Do list'.)  My stitching priority today is to get this block basted for applique.
And I am at ten hours on Dutch Beauty.   This week I filled in the body, stitched the neck area and got started on the head.  This motif is a bit wonky, it's like the original stitcher had seen other needlework with this design and was trying to copy it from memory.  That's not the shape I would have used for a deer's muzzle to say nothing of the front legs LOL.  But such are the perils of an exact reproduction.
Since I just have the top of the head and the antlers yet to go to finish Row 2, I'm going to keep plugging away on this one until the deer is done.  I'm too close to the page finish to quit yet.

Linking up with Kathy's blog for SSS.


  1. Love your stitchery, it is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to hitting the 2/3s mark!

  2. I am so impressed with people who do counted cross stitch. Dutch Beauty is so pretty. The flower garden block looks very nice. Appliqueing onto background fabric is faster than EPP'ing them together. Happy Stitching!

    1. The two dozen vintage sets had some very fragile fabrics in them. I figured the applique would be helpful to give them support. And the background lets me get a decent sized lap quilt out of just 34 Flower Garden sets.

      At the quilt show, there was a nice riff on Lucy Boston with a very similar layout and appique blocks.

  3. Despite having a busy month, you did accomplish some hand sewing. :-))

  4. Your stitchery is filled with whimsy; such lovely stitching. is always a joyful to see a pretty hexie.


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