Monday, September 28, 2020

Needlework change over - 2020 Rotation 3, Slot #3 completed (historic/vintage sampler or smalls) and Sampler Semptember

This is the first year that I've participated in the Sampler September challenge.  Obviously, I worked on my only historic reproduction sampler in the rotation (and it was up next anyhow!)  

What with being on vacation at home for several days, this slot in the rotation went FAST.  A little over ten hours on Dutch Beauty came up to the majority of Page 21/U.  Just the buds on the bottom border and the lily motif that goes over the page break left to go on this page.  I'll start there next round.  

Here's where I am at:

Once I get the second lily vase done, there are matching large floral vase motifs and the large central motif that is about three pages wide.  Plus small spot motifs scattered in frequently, just like the other rows.   Still quite a bit yet to do on this one.   

I tried something new this time, rolling the edges up and clamping them to the qsnap with large hair clips.   It worked pretty well, actually and keeps the excess fabric nicely contained when I flip the frame over to end off threads. 

The next rotation is scheduled to start on Thursday 10/1, so I'm going to work on the USMC seal for a couple of days.   Starting here:

1 comment:

  1. your sampler is just so pretty and "old" looking - such a reproduction look - great job so many hours of work went into this


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