Sunday, April 25, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching - April 25, 2021

This is the weekend of the virtual retreat #24HoursOfCrossStitch, so much needlework has happened.

Finished the ten hours on Dutch Beauty before the retreat kicked off.  (See the first changeover post to see the entire thing laid out and the starting point). 

 And I put in ten hours on my son's USMC Seal and hit the halfway point on the lettering.  (See that changeover post for the starting point.)

AND the current block for Lucy Boston, which is still my #LunchHourCrafting project, has also had some progress.  Eight more pieces to go.  The papers for the alternate blocks came from Paper Pieces this week, but I still haven't decided on the neutral(s) for the pathway parts.

Knitting also had something happen.  I didn't mention that I've been working on a hooded scarf with the leftovers from my sister's Muppet.  (Though it's been over in the side bar as "Fraggle Rock Hooded Scarf.)  It's finished and logged in Ravelry. 

All in all, a decent week for crafting!  Linking up with the SSS crew (current round up).


  1. A VERY decent week for crafting if you to ask me! Those stitching/knitting fingers of yours must be tired. It always strikes me that each time you show us the progress of your son's USMC Seal, how beautiful the colours and design are. Of course, your Dutch Beauty is beautiful, too!! I love the soft and calming colours you have chosen. Everything is quite lovely!

  2. You certainly accomplished a lot this week,

  3. You have been very busy with lots of lovely projects. I am going to have to set my calendar to the next 24 hour of cross stitch and join in . It sounds like a lot of fun. Happy stitching.


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