Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Goldwork on the Unicorn Pillow

 First of all, I want to be clear that this is not real goldwork.   That is done with actual precious metal threads and beads.   But it's a close approximation with faux metallic threads and all of the same techniques as actual goldwork and for those of us with limited crafting budgets, it's good practice.  

I have already laid in all of the tent stitch base in eight strands of very fine metallic DMC thread (the old metallic on the spool - not sure it's even being made any more).  That many of the thread strands approximated the diameter of the stranded cotton that I used for the white backgound.  That covered up the painted canvas diagonals, so the first step is to lay those out again.   It's hard to see, but the green basting stitches are where the diagonal couching will go.

Then I started in on the point of the horn; I'm going to work it from point to base.   Each 'twist' of the horn will be one length of the heavy gold cord.   The first section will go all the way around the point of the horn.  From then on each length will go along the base right to left, up the diagonal and across the top again from right to left to the point where the next twist happens.    All of the loose ends will be plunged to the back at the end and overcast on the back to secure them.

Here's the first 'twist' with all the heavy threads taken to the back and the second twist outlined.  I'll continue to work my way down the horn.  Still photos just don't capture all of sparkle and shine of the metallic threads.   It's really quite 'bling-y' in real life!

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