Sunday, November 27, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching - November 27, 2022

Another week of a quick post before I dash out the door to church.   This week I am reading the lessons.  

Hope everyone in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving (and opps, forgot to wish that to those in Canada last month, sorry.) And if you aren't in North America, hope your fall (or spring) is going well. OK, enough chatter about things not related to crafting LOL.

On the knitting side of things, in addition to getting the ends all woven in on Bob's stocking and both stockings handed off at the family Thanksgiving lunch I got quite a bit (close to 8 inches/20 cm) done on the garter stitch XBF scarf.  I calculate this is close to the halfway point (2/3 of the length) and it's still good travel knitting even as it grows.  

Big news on the needlework front this week,  I got the Unicorn Pillow finished (link to Needlework Rotation post).  Not FFO of course.  I need to buy a zipper and the velvet or velveteen fabric for the back and cording.   But it is stowed safely in the under the bed box until I'm ready to tackle that. 

Next up is Dutch Beauty.   I'm going to be working on the Mama Swan, which is all that I have left on this piece!   Here's where I'm starting (after church today).

Last but not least, I set up the new piece for the challenges for Full Coverage Fanatics (on Facebook).  "Sugar Skull" will be a gift for my co-worker and occasional car pool buddy Victoria.   I'm pretty sure she doesn't follow my blog, so it should be safe to show it here.  I WAS going to start this on Friday and I did get the pattern into a binder and all of the floss sorted, bobbin-ated and bagged.  But when I went to put the fabric on the scroll rods, what I had marked from the stash as a fat quarter had a chunk used out of it and was only 10 x 12 inches.   Running the numbers, that would give me just about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) of margin.   Granted this will be framed close in a vintage oval frame, but that's a little TOO close for comfort.   I prefer a three inch margin.   So I have another piece 28 count pale blue evenweave on order.  It's not like I don't have plenty of other things to work on!

one over one full cross on 28 count evenweave

Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitching crew - current round up is linked here


  1. Lots of great projects. Your unicorn is lovely! Looking forward to seeing mum with her cygnets. Happy thanksgiving.

  2. Such a pretty unicorn, of course it's a girl!

  3. I love that unicorn. Your scarf is looking just wonderful. I like the sugar skull project that is coming up.


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