Sunday, April 9, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching - April 9, 2023

 Between the monthly and quarter close tasks at work and it being Holy Week with all the responsibilities and extra services at church, there's been very little stitching time this week.  

I did get just a very little done on the Victoria Sampler quilt block / ornament.   I ran into an issue with that Half Rhodes band - I ran out of the pale green #12 perle cotton DMC503.   That's really unusual for these kits as most of the time there are materials to spare.   I managed to finish every other Rhodes stitch in the provided color, though I had to pull the final tail through with my lasso needle from my goldwork kit.  I wish I would have done that band first, because it would have been easy to get matching floss to substitute for the two places in the top band where the perle cotton is used.  Then I would have had enough of the perle cotton to finish the band.  (The various sizes of DMC Perle come in many of the same colors as the DMC standard embroidery floss AND they use the same color numbers!)   I didn't want to buy an entire ball of the mint green to finish those last six stitches, so first I tried filling in every other stitch in white #12 perle, but didn't like the look of it.   In the stash of perle cottons, I found a ball of #12 in a khaki color (DMC644), which is a tan / greenish / goldish color that doesn't look too bad and I think I'll use it in the motif at the very bottom as well so it looks deliberate. 

I'll hopefully have a FO on this sometime this week.

Linking up with the SSS Crew.  Happy Easter to those who celebrate.


  1. Your stitch is looking fabulous, Karla. I hope you had a very Happy Easter.

  2. Very frustrating to not have enough thread but I like the solution you came up with to solve the problem. Gail at the Cozy Quilter


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