Sunday, October 15, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching - October 15, 2023

First of all, I was able to get to the needlepoint shop over my lunch hour last Wednesday.   The Studio (link to their website) is a small shop, with an entire wall floor to ceiling of traditional Paternaya/Colonial yarn in every color of the rainbow!  It's staffed by very knowledgeable ladies who were able to hook me up with the needlepoint yarn I needed.  It's just slightly less red than the vintage yarn in my crewel kit, but well within the gradations of the other colors.    Picture next week when I finish the rest of the feathers on the legs of my  eagle.

I actually focused more on the Sugar Skull this week.  I'm at the next check in point.  Only the upper forehead and eyes left to go.  Which sounds like not very much, but is probably close to 25 percent remaining!  (Those eyes are BIG!)  The opinions on what I should work on next were split, but I know myself well enough to leave the most interesting area to last, so I'll be continuing on with the top of the skull; and use the eyes as a 'reward' for finishing up the bone color.  Sometimes you have to bribe yourself 😈

I'm powering on thru the body of the brown sweater, too.   I'm quite short-waisted, so there's not very many inches between the end of the waist shaping (blue marker) and the underarm.

I laid it out with a tee shirt that I like the length of underneath and it looks like about three more inches to the underarm.  Bust shaping (if any) tends to start 1-3 inches before the underarm (deeper for larger bust and therefore more shaping).   So I probably need to put it on a longer needle cord, which is easy to do with my interchangeable needles, and try it on again pretty soon. 
I got the garden pretty much put to bed for the winter yesterday except for the two cherry tomato plants - one red, one yellow.   Both are indeterminate type plants and have set a whole bunch of fall fruit!  And the silly things are still blooming!  We have gotten down into the upper 30 F/3 degrees C at night, so they are being wildly overly optimistic LOL.   I just can't bring myself to pull them up with flowers and green fruit on them, so until we get a killing frost, I'll continue to enjoy fresh tomatoes.

Happy fall (or spring) everybody in the SSS crew (Link to current roundup).


  1. I think I would have been tempted to do the eyes before the forehead…. Lol. Your sweater is looking cozy! My gardens still need to be cleaned up. We will get there. Happy stitching. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. What with stitching, knitting and garden you have been keeping rather busy.

  3. The sugar skull is looking great! I have done the same type of measuring with a sweater that I am making. Your sweater is really coming along. Enjoy all your crafting!


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