Sunday, March 31, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 31, 2024 AND Full Coverage Month End Report

First of all, Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

I apologize for being "little miss least in sight" the last couple of weeks.   This transition of leaving the workforce is more stressful than joyful, at least at this point.    Lots of training, paperwork, writing documentation.   I wish I'd had HALF the backup and documentation when I took on this job that management is expecting me to provide!  Two months left, so they'll get what I can do in that time frame.....

My crafting has fallen by the wayside and probably will until June.   All I want to work on is my full coverage piece.  So I'm just going with it and tossing my rotation out of the window entirely for a little bit.  

The good news is that I have made it to 10.0% on my Mead Dragon (art by Stanley Morrison, chart by Paine Free Crafts).  9,451 / 94,500 stitches in fact.

And here is where I was at the start of the month for comparison:

Every day when I have time to stitch, I put in one floss length on the dragon's face, one length of my 'problem color'; then using the typewriter cross country method, I get into the background greys, navy and black (goal is at least three strands).  I know myself and letting myself get too far ahead on the dragon will mean that I will never get to the background.

What, you might ask is a "problem color"?  Well I'm doing this chart in the Pattern Keeper app and when you highlight a color that is to be stitched, it puts a little circle of your chosen high light color on every stitch (or you can choose every unworked stitch) of that color.   Then when you work each stitch and tap it,  the program overlays a neat little box that (when saved) approximates the floss color and is the exact size of the gridlines.   All well and good, EXCEPT for the symbol that is a solid black box that ALMOST fills the grid.   There's a bare rim of the highlight color.   That wouldn't be so bad if that symbol was for 310, but no, it's 318.  Finished stitches are fine.  But I can't tell the highlighted 318 from the finished 310 unless I zoom in really far, which rather defeats the purpose of highlighting the stitches in the first place.   As far as I can tell, there's no function to 'replace' a symbol, so my strategy is to color complete the 318 when I get to a new section.   So right now, all that steel grey that is dipping further down than everything else is my attempt to get that 'problem' finished and marked off before I start putting anything else in the area.  

Checking in with the SSS crew (current roundup) so they'll know I haven't fallen off the planet......


  1. I find it’s hard to keep the colours in the right spots when they are similar! Nice to see the dragon starting to emerge. Gail at the cozy quilter Good luck getting things wrapped up at work. Retirement is wonderful!

  2. Who would have thought that finishing work would be stressful. But I guess it is when you have do document everything in your job, while still performing it. Guess you will have to train your replacement person too. But you will get there, think of all that lovely stitching time you will have when you retire.


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