Sunday, June 16, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - June 16, 2024 AND Rotation #2, Slot #2 (Modern) Changeover

With a bit more stitching time this week, I put in the remaining five hours in rotation round two on the KC Plaza Sewing Bag.  That finished up the left-hand horse entirely.  I will confess at being a bit burnt out on the over one on 34 count linen by this point.  Hopefully by the time this comes up in the rotation again, I'll be prepared to tackle the other horse!

The "Grandma Taxi" is in full swing this month.   Carl (freshman in high school) has football camp, while Alexis has cheer camp.   I'm happy to drive them around whenever their parents have a work conflict.  It also gives me some one-on-one time with my grandkids.   It's remarkable what a few minutes and a stop at the Dairy Queen drive through can do for everyone's day!  I am so glad that my son and daughter in law decided to settle locally.    

Carl also helped me with some yard work and hauling some things around in the house for me and to pay him back, I got him some practice cleats.  The kid is growing like a weed, including his feet LOL.

Being on Taxi duty meant that I had time to work on my perforated paper ornament while waiting in the pick-up lot - all the cross stitch and most of the back stitch is done.    I even got a small start on the beading at the crafting group that meets on Wednesday at the church.   Most of the ladies are quilters, but all crafts are welcome.

ETA: progress pic

Linking up with the SSS crew


  1. So nice for you to have time to take care of taking your grandkids to their various activities. I’m sure the Dairy Queen stops are popular! Good thing you have lots of projects on the go so you won’t get bored. Love the Santa project. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. I don't think I have any experience with 34 count, so good to know that it's a challenge! Your horse looks great! I'm sure your son's family really appreciates your help with the activities! My inlaws helped me so much over the years with my kids and I was very grateful indeed!


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