Sunday, August 11, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - August 10, 2024

 Minimal check in this week.  I've been a bit under the weather the last few days.   Just a slight fever with light headedness and headache, muscle aches and general blah.  It's going around my friends and family, so I'm not surprised I came down with it, but ugh.  Hopefully it won't hang around too long.

All I've worked on since I took sick was the perforated paper Santa - and not much on that to be honest.  Just sitting and zoning out in front of the TV is all that I have managed, though I did catch up on a bunch of flosstubes that I had marked to watch later, so needlework was on the brain (such as it is right now).   And of course the Olympics have been very distracting.

He did get the fancy bit at the bottom of his tunic, shoes and most of the sleeves.   And before I got sick, I did at least get the Birdhouses SAL section for August done. 
Hopefully I'll have more to discuss next week.  I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, if you know what I mean.    

Linking up with the SSS crew.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. Resting while watching the Olympics sounds perfect. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. I love the birdhouse that looks like a sailboat! Such a fun idea. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. At least you were able to watch the Olympics and your bookmarked flosstubes. Your Santa is looking good.

  4. I do hope you are feeling better soon, it's no fun at all feeling sick and under the weather.


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