Sunday, January 21, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - Jan 21, 2018

Due to links on Jo's Country Junction and Karen at Quilts etc, I became aware of the "Slow Sunday Stitching" link party/challenge at Kathy's Quilts.  (link is to this week's page)

This is a celebration of all types of hand work - quilting, knitting, needlework.   So you know I'm going to fit right in!

This week there is also a photo challenge - hoops.

I don't use hoops a lot.  I find the 'creases' they put into the fabric can remain even after pressing. I prefer roller frames for counted thread embroidery.   But I have one project, Dutch Beauty, that is so big that I use a set of Q Snaps.   And sometimes if I'm doing a very small piece, where the entire thing fits within the circle of the hoop I will use a spring hoop.

That is the case with this project; it is a new start today - just a few stitches in.  I'm extracting the 'tomato pincushion' and 'shears' from Plum Street Samplers "Sew Sisters" chart.   This was one of the kits from the Silver Needle Camp last November.  It will be finished as a box topper.

The other time I use hoops is for small quilting projects that won't fit into my frame.   This quilt is now a finished project.   I don't currently have a hand quilting project in progress.

My other hand work projects include my current socks, which are at the feet.   (Photo is from last week at the end of the second gusset, but I'm not very far down the foot of the first sock.)

And my EPP hexagons for my "Aunt Lottie's Garden" quilt.  I'm working on the last set of the new ones, then there will be much applique.


  1. I've never tried a roller frame. I'll have to check that out and learn something new today. Happy stitching. I use Best Press when I can't get creases out.

    1. I love Best Press for quilting, but I haven't used it on needlework (yet). I'm always a bit leery of pressing on over-dyed threads. Some of those don't have the best track record for colorfastness.

  2. glad to see you joining the Slow Sunday Stitching!

  3. I read back through a few weeks and since I do so much by hand - knitting, spinning, weaving, counted thread embroidery in addition to the quilting, I think like the idea of a special place to share all of that.

    Thanks for the welcome. And I'm enjoying your blog!


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