Sunday, February 24, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - February 24, 2019

This week just dashed past me.   Lots going on at work; part of my job is moving back to my old department (it really belonged there all along, but I know how to do it, so it stayed with me when I moved to accounting).   So I am writing up directions for all of that, which is not my favorite thing to do.

My car pool buddy had errands to run in KC a couple of days last week, so she drove and I rode.  Good news on the knitting front, but I'll be driving the next two weeks, so bad on the budget. Glad I had an oil change done Friday.  The hat is all the way up to the start of the crown decreases.   Just ten rounds to go.   I'm trying to get that done by Thursday so it counts in this month's totals.
This week's block for "Aunt Lottie's Garden" is also done.  This is Block 19 of 30 for the center of the quilt. 
I love the fabric in this block.  I know it's supposed to be floral, but some of those little red and yellow sprigs inside the geometrics totally look to me like happy chicken faces!

Handwork quilting focus will be switching to "It was the 80s".  I have another hand pieced block to do for that top.  I hate to lose the momentum on this one, but I really want to get "80s" done.

And last but not least, my cross stitch project -  Millennium.  I finished the planned back stitching on St. Michael.  I actually also got started on the landscape/robe edge on St. Raphael, but didn't get too far yet.  So no picture of that side until next week.

Linking up with Kathy's blog for her weekly SSS round-up.  (link to this week)


  1. I love how the outlining adds definition to the robes in your cross stitch project. You make good use of your commuting time too. I will be stitching in the car today .

    1. Now that I'm in the bifocal stage of life, cross stitching is difficult in the car. I really need magnification and good light to stitch comfortably. But knitting can be done anywhere! Hats, cowls/scarves, socks/mittens all make wonderful travel projects.

      Safe journey today!

  2. Another lovely block for Aunt Lottie! I see the chicken faces now that you mention it :)
    Enjoy your hand stitching today and thanks for linking up!

  3. it is nice that you have the knitting for your daily long commute and a car pool! so nice that you do not have to do the driving all the time - I know some people do not mind driving but I would rather be the passenger most times

    1. I don't mind the drive, but I have to admit that I do look forward to my riding weeks simply for the crafting time.

  4. Love your flower garden block. I am so glad you described what you 'see' in the fabric - I think when we do close-up work in our hand-stitching, we do see more - really SEE - the fabrics we work with, and I do love that up close and personal aspect of hand stitching. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, just this. I get a real sense of being connected to my grandmother and great aunt as I handle the same fabric that they did.


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