Sunday, March 31, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 31, 2019

Well there's good news, though very unexpected, on the house front.   I have a renter for the big house.  It was sudden and I'd planned on renting or selling the smaller house instead, but I will continue to work on both houses.  The final goal is to have both of them ready for the market or rent at some point.  I can only live in one of them LOL.
So unpacking will happen now.   I refuse to live out of boxes for a year.  On the other hand, I will continue to de-clutter.  So it was worth doing. And I get a good stove out of the deal, since he's got his own appliances.  

On the crafting front, I did get some progress on the Zombie Kitten pillowcase.  I got the rest of the "ball of yarn" finished, and I'm working on the "floor and yarn bits".  I needed a break from the short jagged fur.

Linking up with Slow Sunday Stitching (rather later in the day than usual),  


  1. Some stitching is more fun than others! Hope you were able to get in some stitches yesterday.

  2. Your little zombie kitten is sweet. Fabulous news on the house front.


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