Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Once I got started on this last Saturday, it went FAST.  Granted, it was one small motif, but still.....

 Both ends of the towel - old on the left, new on the right.   Probably close to 35 years between them.  I can see a difference in the shades - old DMC from the 1980s vs new DMC bought for this project.   But it's not right next to itself, so who cares.  

I didn't like the way the old back looked - very messy.  Old above, new below.   So I used a technique that I learned on a Drawn Thread class piece on reversible stitching - use a single strand of embroidery floss and go over each part of the stitch as many times as needed to make it as dense as the pattern calls for.  Yes, I stitched each leg of each X three times, and each of the back stitches twice. (I did the borders traditionally since they were not confetti.)  Doing this means that the ends are so much easier to bury and are only 1/3 as bulky.  You can also use an away knot to start and then finish by tying a tiny surgeons knot with the single strand ends and clip (but not too close).  Where you are working confetti stitching that is not full coverage or isolated stitches or anywhere else without a good place to bury ends,  it is a nice technique to use.

Totally nice and springy for my bathroom, which is cream and celery green with a "Mamie pink" tub. 

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